Management Consultancy Report Template

Management Consultancy Report Template

One of the most important and challenging aspects of consultancy is the development of an impactful, evidenced based report for clients. This is often the consultant’s legacy on a project and vital for repeat business and how the consultant’s contribution is viewed. Get it right and you build confidence of the client for future work and credibility with the the report’s ‘audience.’ Get it wrong (or not quite right) and you do the opposite and can damage how you are viewed. Despite how important the report is, it can be very difficult for even experienced consultants to develop effectively. Indeed many consultants regard ‘the report’ as the most stressful part of the job. The Winning Tenders Academy has developed a Management Consultancy Report Template that is designed to guide the development of a professional report and take the pain from the design of an effective and impactful report.

Further, this Management Consultancy Report Template gives significant tips, hints and even suggested wording to get your report flowing and reading professionally and powerfully. It is also designed to be a flexible adaptable tool, from the image on the front cover to the structure, content, look and feel. Ultimately it has been developed to help your impact as a consultant and support repeat business through consistently developing a high quality report – every bit as impressive as a ‘Big Four’ Professional Services Firm.

This is an inexpensive, but high quality and impactful tool with the potential to completely transform how your reports read, feel and look, while also reducing the pain of report writing.

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